Thursday, March 5, 2009

Making a God's Eye

This project originated from the Huichol Indians of western Mexico. They original thought behind this craft was a protective symbol that parents made for their children.

The materials that you need include:

  • 2 sticks about the same lenghth and similiar thickness (about 5 inches). Can also use craft sticks, etc.

  • White glue

  • 1 variegated yarn
Place both sticks on the table and cross them over each other. In the center of the bottom stick, place a bit of glue and then place the other stick on top of it, forming a cross. Let them dry. OR if your child is older you do not have to use glue and just cross them over and hold in one hand.

Gather one end of the yarn you have selected and tie the loose end of the stick as close as possible to the place where the two sticks come together (the center). Leave around 7 inches of "tail"hanging from the knot. Hold the sticks (in the cross), in one hand and with the other hand bring the yarn under one stick, around, then over to the next one, under it, around it, and over to the next one, repeating the patern to the desired size you like.

Cut the yarn, leaving a tail of around 12 inches. Tie the two "tail’s" together and trim the ends.

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