Wednesday, March 4, 2009


One of the most fun activities that kids love is making monoprints. I must say it is also one of the easiest supply lists to have on hand. In the printing world, "mono" means one of a kind which is great for this activity. Heads up...make sure you have plenty of paper for print making!

  1. Have your child squeeze out "blobs" of washable nontoxic paint onto a cookie sheet.
  2. Next, lay a large piece of paper on top of the paint that is on the cookie sheet.
  3. Have them rub their hands on top of the paint...kind of like you were smoothing out the paper or a piece of cloth so their were no wrinkles.
  4. Have them lift off the paper, and lay it flat to dry.
  5. Next, have your child make designs with their finger on the paint that is remaining, and then place another piece of paper on top of the newly formed paint design/cookie sheet.
  6. Press with their hands and then pull the sheet of paper off of the cookie sheet. have another print, one that is totally different that before.
  7. Don't hesitate to add more paint or a variety of colors to get a different affect for their print making.
The prints that they make, once dried, are great pieces to hang in their room, on the refrigerator, in their playroom (if you have one) is just a way to show that you love their artwork being displayed.

Have fun!

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